Enhancing User Engagement on Mobile Devices

Speaker: Randall Arnold

Develop a comprehensive solution that makes bug reporting, applications rating and developer donations easier on mobile device end-users and puts user experience capturing (feedback) in more appropriate locations and contexts.

Currently, bug reporting is difficult for average and/or new mobile device users, testing is too ad hoc and ratings systems are not fully utilized.  Support for donation-ware and gaming achievements is often missing.

We propose a comprehensive solution or solutions that makes these activities easier on users and puts user experience capturing in more appropriate locations and contexts.  Our focus has been on linux-based mobile operating systems such as Maemo and MeeGo, although Android and LIMO may benefit as well.  KDE's Project Silk may offer a starting framework for this broad solution.

Randall Arnold

I am a longtime developer mainly from the proprietary world but saw the light of open source when I was assigned in 2006 as product QA engineer for the Nokia 770 internet tablets.  Since that time I have volunteered for maemo.org in the areas of community outreach, process development and information management.  I am currently diving into open source and looking forward to seeing big things happen with MeeGo!